Mount Pleasant Primary



School Council 2013-2014



School Council Minutes 20.5.2014


All staff and pupils present 1.30pm-2.00pm


The School Council collected the Post Box from the foyer. Suggestions are as follows:

  • § More whiteboard pens- we discussed the cost and children suggested that we try a campaign to look after school equipment, including monitors.
  • § Updating the P.C's to Windows 8 and the I pads to IOS 7. The computers do not need updating yet and the iPad's are being updated IOS7 at the moment.
  • § More non-fiction books in the foyer, especially for KS2. Children suggested using some books from the non-fiction library to solve this.
  • § More basketballs and footballs on the yards. Children were reminded to ask Mr Plews, Mr Dowd and Mr Long. The Council suggested reminding children to look after the yard equipment. Griffin suggested that we put an item on the newsletter to ask parents to donate any unwanted sports equipment/ toys to the school. This will be discussed with Mrs Grant.
  • § A sculpture club. This has been noted for inclusion in next year's club list.
  • § More equipment for the yards and cricket equipment. The Council suggested that the Dynamo money for this year could be spent on some more equipment.



The School Council also discussed:

  • That the School Council led the Investors in Pupils programme very well and that the assessors were very impressed by the School Council at Mount Pleasant. In addition, local schools will be visiting M.P on the 4th July to share good practice in relation to I.I.P


  • That School Council do not want to run another book swap. Alternatives suggested were; a charity event, or a board game swap for an afternoon focussing on maths games. Children will relay this back to pupils in assembly and carry out an audit for more ideas before deciding on a project.


  • That the entry for the Speakers School Council Award has been submitted with the help of Isabella and that we are now waiting for a response.


  • The boys visited the boy's toilet to check for any leaks/ cleanliness. This was found to be o.k.


Investors in Pupils

The award was explained to pupils. The feedback was very positive and Griffin has read out the comments to children. We now need to as a school council:

  • To make sure each class is setting new targets as appropriate
  • Check that the displays are up to date
  • Keep checking the website and online forums










School Council minutes 11-03-14

Present - Mr Dowd and all council

Discussed post box online and physical - went on Investors in Pupils walk - made a video



School Council Minutes 20.1.2014



The School Council Visited the Post Box in the foyer. There was one suggestion to buy more games for the school x-box. This was noted by the school council and will be discussed with ANW. We also checked the online post box and found that we had quite a few suggestions. The council members highlighted the importance of responding to all of these suggestions and Griffin asked whether we could use the I pads to create a short movie/podcast to run alongside the podcast in Friday assemblies. A short podcast has been created by School Council to share the suggestions in assembly and to feedback. This will now run weekly.


The School Council also discussed:

  • That more badges are needed (4) and for everyone to make an effort to wear them. G.H and A.J have volunteered to monitor this. C.P will locate and hand out badges.



  • That School Councillors wear hats (like the Peer Mediators) Children were very enthusiastic about this. This suggestions has been taken to Mrs Grant who will look into an alternative to wearing hats ( e.g. sash)


  • That the soap dispensers in the girls' toilets need to be altered. The School Council investigated this and they are slightly stiff but this Mr Thomas has surveyed the dispensers and confirmed that they are working correctly.


  • The boys visited the boy's toilet to check for any leaks/ cleanliness. This was found to be o.k.



Investors in Pupils

The investors award was explained to pupils. They seem very enthusiastic about the awards and made some suggestions about what we could do in preparation:

  • To clean and tidy up the school as a whole school activity- this will be discussed in staff meeting.
  • Wearing our badges and possible a hat/ sash.
  • Showing the assessors around the school on a School Council tour.












School Council Minutes 19.11.13


The School Council Visited the Post Box in the foyer. There were no suggestions present, so pupils suggested that The Eco Committee might be accidently taking them. The children also suggested that any issues could be read out in assembly.



 The School Council Discussed:

  • That the school could use the IPads to record children's views.



  • Isabella suggested a parents' car park as lots of teachers are using all the spaces. This might not be resolved as there is limited space to create a car park and teacher parking is a priority.





  • That the soap dispensers in the girls' toilets need to be fixed. This will be passed onto Mr Thomas.




  • The possible building of a sound proof wall for music instruments. This will be passed to Mr Williams.




  • That children could have more activities for the middle yard and maybe swap yards at lunchtime. Staff will ensure that the toys and games are distributed evenly across the three yards.



  • The installation of a possible shelter on middle yard to replace the shelter that broke. This has been passed onto Mr Williams.


The Book Swap Shop


By a majority vote, the Council have decided to run the book swap shop again this year as it was successful last year. We discussed:


  • To improve the b.s.s with an advert -possibly a video on the Ipad.
  • The importance of getting more books in the swap for Key Stage Two
  • Split the council into two teams and run two book swap simultaneously
  • It was decided that pupils bring a maximum of 3 books each
  • The first B.S.S will take place on Thursday 5th December 2013






  • The Investors for pupils Award was discussed briefly with the children. This is an on- going project to gain an award for the work our school council carries out.
  • The School Council is going to link with the Mount Pleasant podcasters to gather children's views, advertise the book swap shop and broadcast information and events to the children.



School Council Visit (09-10)

All pupils present (apart from reception)

Staff: Mr. Dowd and Mrs. Vinh

Chair - Mr. Dowd

Duration - 1:00-2:30

The meeting followed the proposed agenda as follows:

We met the Rogerstone Community Council.

We have decided to do a class of the week and will meet in Mr Dowd's room every Thursday 12:10pm.



School Council Minutes - 6.9.13

 All Pupil members present

Staff Members present: Mr Dowd, Miss Phillips, Miss Durston

Chair: Mr Dowd

Duration: 1.30pm- 2.00pm

The meeting followed the proposed agenda as follows:

  • New members elected were welcomed to the School Council for 2013/14. Introductions from each child and staff followed.
  • The School Council discussed what School Councils role is and what each individual pupil's role will be.
  • The School Council then proceeded to check the Mount Pleasant post box for any pupil suggestions. The post box was empty, so School Councillors have been encouraged to feed this back to each class to encourage suggestions for this term.
  • Children were also shown the School Council board in the foyer which will have their pictures displayed, so everyone at Mount Pleasant can identify the School Councillors.
  • Badges for the School Council have now been ordered.
  • Mr Dowd led a discussion on the role of a School Councillor and children discussed how they will be an active member of the School Council.
  • Last academic year, the School Council ran a very successful book swap shop. This idea was put forward to the School Council by Mr Dowd to run again next year. The children were very enthusiastic to run this again. The children are going to ask each class for their feedback and then take a vote to decide whether to continue with this initiative for next year.
  • The School Council discussed ideas for a new project this term. This will link to the School Improvement Plan. Children discussed ideas together and with the staff members. Some suggestions included: continuing the book swap shop but altering it slightly to include swapping other items, running a Mount Pleasant shop, running a cake stall for charity, raising money for charity. Children will feed these ideas back to their class members and have been encouraged to ask class members for their suggestions.
  • All councillors were then reminded to feedback the meeting in brief to their class members upon their return.

All pupils were thanked for attending the meeting and returned to class.

The next meeting will be arranged for after half term.




















School Council 2012-2013






What is school council?

A school council is a group of pupils elected by their fellow pupils to represent their opinions and raise issues with your head teacher and governors in the school. The school council can also take forward projects on behalf of the pupils, and be involved in planning and things like the School Development Plan, governing body meetings and interviewing staff.

To be effective, the school council must:

  • Represent all pupils and include as many people as possible;
  • Take time to listen to all pupils and communicate their views;
  • Feed back to pupils about what happened about their views;
  • Make things happen - or explain why they can't!

This year Mrs Black and Miss Phillips will be helping to run the school council.

Class representatives have been selected and the whole school have been informed about our new "Pupil Participation" display board and post box.

Please remember to share your ideas with ways to improve our is your school! 

What is a rep?

Reps are elected by their class to represent those people who

elected them. They act as a link between their class and other groups - year councils, school councils and other committees.

Reps have to be willing and able to put forward other people's views even if they disagree with them.

What kind of person makes a good rep?

  • Approachable
  • Good listener - everyone in the class has to feel comfortable talking to you
  • Organised - it will be your responsibility to make sure meetings happen in your class on a regular basis
  • Assertive - the opinions of your class are just as important as everyone else's
  • Efficient - class discussions must cover a lot of issues in a short space of time
  • Fair - everyone has the right to express a point of view
  • Good communicator - you need to be able to work with staff and students from across the school


Class Representatives for School Council this year are....

Jacob Price

Kian Leith

Georgia Betts

Bethan Symmons

Hannah Venn

Jack Rosser

Morgan Lloyd

Oliver Squires-Kenyon

12th October

School council met and introduced themselves to eachother. They discussed what projects they would like to run this year to help improve the school. Job descriptions were discussed and the council will stand up in the nexct assembly so everyone knows who they are. It was agreed that  the council may need to meet more often and possibly give up some of their free time in order to fullfil objectives.


9th November

  Agenda - points from last meeting:

Book swap shop - speak to Mr Williams to request time to make posters, speak to the whole school and organise the event.

Hopefully it will take place in Jan/Feb time

Maximum of 2 books to swap

  Post box issues

 Pets - too expensive to keep and difficult to organise rotas to look after them

 Climbing wall - not fair on the other yards, takes up too much. But we will look into other equipment for the yards.

 Soap dispenser in girls toilets - will pass on to Mr Caple

 Mess at lunchtimes - mention in whole school assembly

  • AOB
  • We all signed our job descriptions today and were given our "Scool Council" badge so everyone knows who the representatives are.

20th December

We met today to make preparations for our whole school initiative this year. We have decided to start a "Book Swap Shop" in January. We have made a video to show the first week back in January and we will put it on the website to inform parents what we are doing. We have designed posters ready to put up around the school to advertise our this space...................coming soon.................



Our Book Swap Shop was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who brought in books to swap. We had over 70 children bring in books and nearly 130 books!! We have decided to do another Book Swap Shop in the summer term!




Date: Friday 1st March

Agenda - points from last meeting:

Book swap shop

Decided it wasn't fair on the last classes to visit the shop as there were only young books left. Next shop year 3 and 4 will be called first.

  • Good set up
  • Good organisation
  • Got a bit messy towards the end - someone to have the job of constantly tidying at the next swap.
  • Advertise more in the week leading up to the swap to encourage more people to bring in books


Children enjoyed the swap. Council all agree that it has helped to get more children reading and enthusiastic about books.

Reception - 9 children said they would like another book swap shop

Year 3 - 12 children said they would like another book swap shop

Year 6 - 16 said they would like another book swap shop

 Post box issues

Mess in the cloakrooms as children throw their coats and bags on the floor rather than hang them up - council will mention it in assembly that all children need to look after their own belongings. Each council member will also monitor their own cloakroom and report any offenders to their class teacher.

 AOB - None



Date: Thursday 2nd May

Agenda - points from last meeting:

A big thank you from Mrs Black and Mr Williams for all the hard work School Council did during inspection. The inspectors were really impressed with all the hard work that the council have done.


Book swap shop - arranged another date form Book Swap Shop (Thursday 23rd May). Have agreed to increase advertising this time (through newsletters, website, assemblies and poster on pupil participation board.)

 Post box issues

After school clubs - it has been suggested that the whole school are given the opportunity to suggest clubs they would like for September. Staff will then go through the list and select which club they would like to do.

Year 4 - Year 4 children can choose which yard they would like to play on at playtime and lunchtime. They must stick to the same yard for the whole of that playtime.

 Doing flips on the trim trail - it is too dangerous for children to do flips over the bars on the trim trail as children may get hurt and it stops other children form playing on there.

 Swings on the yard - people may get hurt, cost too much money and we already have lots of fun equipment on all the yards.

 Shelter on bottom yard - already have one and there are lots of places for children to sit

 AOB -

Competitive sports day in house colours - will pass onto Mr Williams and Mr Dowd. Although last years sports day did have a competitive element.

23rd May

School Council held another Book Swap Shop today. We had nearly 100 books for children to choose from and it was a huge success. Our initiative this year (to get more children interested in reading) has worked and we feel that more children are reading!



Date: Thursday 27th June

Agenda - Evaluate Book Swap Shop and discuss affter school club suggestions

 This is to be the last meeting before the end of term.

A vote was carried to determine if councillors thought that BSS was a worthwhile project to carry on next year. The vote was unanimous in favour of BSS, so this will be carried on next year.

We discussed the after school club suggestions that children have written on the p.p board.

  • Below are the list of clubs that will be put to teachers to possibly run next year. This will be determined in readiness for September:
  • Gymnastic club
  • Welsh club
  • Drama club
  • Running/Athletics
  • Jewellery making club
  •  Book club
  • Drama club
  • Sewing club
  • Dodgeball
  • Football
  • Snooker
  • Arts and crafts club
  • Zumba/keep fit club
  • Cooking club
  • Dancing club
  • Comic club
  • X-box club
  •  Rugby
  • pad club
  • Cricket
  • Forest School club


Post box issues were then discussed as follows:

  • A new front is needed on the soap dispenser in the main girl's toilets. This will be passed onto Mr. Thomas.
  • Some children have requested lockers instead of using pegs. It was determined that lockers are too costly, too big and also are not feasible for our school to have. Instead the councillors suggested that children need to be reminded how to look after cloakrooms and also to have cloakroom monitors in each class to help alleviate the problem. This will be fed back to each class to decide.
  • Pupils asked whether Year ¾ can go on the field more frequently- we discussed that the rota is now in place.


School council were praised for their efforts this year and for the success of B.S.S. Next year Mr.Dowd and Miss Phillips will be running school council with new elections taking place in September.

Well done to all members of School Council for all their hard work this year. Book Swap shop was a real success and you have all made excellent contributions to our school life this year.


School Council 2013-2014


School Council Minutes - 6.9.13


All Pupil members present

Staff Members present: Mr Dowd, Miss Phillips, Miss Durston

Chair: Mr Dowd

Duration: 1.30pm- 2.00pm

The meeting followed the proposed agenda as follows:

  • New members elected were welcomed to the School Council for 2013/14. Introductions from each child and staff followed.
  • The School Council discussed what School Councils role is and what each individual pupil's role will be.
  • The School Council then proceeded to check the Mount Pleasant post box for any pupil suggestions. The post box was empty, so School Councillors have been encouraged to feed this back to each class to encourage suggestions for this term.
  • Children were also shown the School Council board in the foyer which will have their pictures displayed, so everyone at Mount Pleasant can identify the School Councillors.
  • Badges for the School Council have now been ordered.
  • Mr Dowd led a discussion on the role of a School Councillor and children discussed how they will be an active member of the School Council.
  • Last academic year, the School Council ran a very successful book swap shop. This idea was put forward to the School Council by Mr Dowd to run again next year. The children were very enthusiastic to run this again. The children are going to ask each class for their feedback and then take a vote to decide whether to continue with this initiative for next year.
  • The School Council discussed ideas for a new project this term. This will link to the School Improvement Plan. Children discussed ideas together and with the staff members. Some suggestions included: continuing the book swap shop but altering it slightly to include swapping other items, running a Mount Pleasant shop, running a cake stall for charity, raising money for charity. Children will feed these ideas back to their class members and have been encouraged to ask class members for their suggestions.
  • All councillors were then reminded to feedback the meeting in brief to their class members upon their return.

All pupils were thanked for attending the meeting and returned to class.

The next meeting will be arranged for after half term.