PTA minutes 21.05.24

Meeting Pleasant PTA Meeting Agenda


Date: Tuesday 21st May 2024

Time: 17:00

Place: Hybrid Meeting – School and via Zoom

Meeting ID:  867 0506 3640

Passcode: KVcD3N

Chair: Kayleigh Jones

Attendees: Fiona Rutledge, Becci Jenkins, Helena Hopkins, Jenny Reilly

Via zoom: Kayleigh Jones

Apologies: Amanda Jones


N.B Total number of members present at meeting must be at least twice the number of committee members in office.


Finance Update (17:00- 17:05) from 

Opening Balance: £4,945.66 (as of 04/04/24)


·         Disco- £722.84


£175- school coach
Cash float (held in school) 


Closing Balance (bank) 

£5613.10 (as of 20/05/24)



Feedback from Events (17:05-17:10)

·         School Disco – all in agreement it went really well, timings worked well again. Going home from classrooms helped. It also worked well having the teachers collecting the money beforehand, reduced queueing coming into the hall as well, thank you for this.



Upcoming Events (17:10-17:15)

Father’s Day stall Friday 14th June 2024. 1pm – 3pm. Date and timings agreed. PTA to buy items for the stall and organise volunteers.

Extravaganza 4th July 2024 – Castle farm is booked.

Wishlist for Funds (17:15- 17:20)

Trim Trail Equipment – this is all arranged now, trail is coming down early June. Then waiting for a date for the installation. £5410 total cost. PTA will donate £3000.
Request for funding – large sandpit with a closing lid for early years. Awaiting the quote for this.
Any support for outdoor equipment or playground markings also appreciated.
Y6 leavers to be funded by the PTA.


Other Business (17:20-17:30)

Dragon Bags
-       Posters are ready to go. Families can put items in black bags. To start with every last Wednesday in the month – to start in June – Wednesday 26th June. For Thursday pick up. To use a container for storage – Zoe to clear one out (PTA space). Helena to send posters through for dojo.


Tea towels- KJ to bring in on 22/5/24 for children to start their drawings so this can be ordered. KJ will design letters to send out to families for ordering.

Nursery transition – 3rd July - this is an all day event, for families to attend when they can. To provide a free book and the new PTA poster HH has designed. Date of next meeting to be included too.

Reception transition meeting – July 3rd, 2pm. If a representative from the PTA can attend they will, if not the PTA will provide the information for school staff to share. To include – as above – free book, fundraising methods poster, date of next meeting.

Holiday company partnership established by HH – 2.5% for each booking to be given to the PTA.

HH has done a poster advertising all the ways we can raise money for the PTA – to be put on dojo.

96 free books obtained – The longer the wait, the bigger the hug! Obtained by HH, for the school to use as they wish.

Website – will be picked up by Courtney soon. We can update the PTA page, as able.





Date raised
April 2024
Investigate label maker and purchase if needed. 
May 2024
Purchase fathers day items, organise volunteers
14th June
May 2024


Advertise Dragon bags – for Wednesday 26th June



May 2024
Tea towel – pack to be delivered to school 22.05.24 for children to complete their drawings. 