Meeting 18.05.10


School Council Meeting

18.5.10 1:00 PM School Hall


Apologise for Absence

  • Elin Griffiths


Matters Arising

  • School council suggestion boxes

Mr S - From last meeting children should check if boxes are in classes.  If no box let council know at next meeting and one will be arranged.


Main Agenda

  • Set new targets for school council to address.

Mr S - Explained that the council should now aim to set themselves new targets for the coming half term.

James - Councillors should encourage whole school to make comments for the school council to look at.

Sam - The school councillors should design a logo that would represent the council.

William - The school councillors should have badges, as suggested in last meeting, so everyone can recognise us.

Matthew - The school council should organise a theme day where everyone dresses up and raises money for the school council ideas.

James - An area in the school for the school councillors to meet on a regular basis.

Nathan - We should have a school council display board to keep the school more up to date about the issues we have looked at and the issues we are going to look at, to get everyone more involved.

Chloe - More frequent school council meetings to give more time to sort issues.


Vote taken to set priorities


1. Badges fir school councillors

2. Suggestion boxes in all classrooms

3. A display for the school council



  • Children not knowing who their councillors are.

Robbie - Not enough people know who we are so they can make suggestions.

James - We could design a poster to ask children to make more suggestions.

Nathan - Show children a school council suggestion box in assembly and explain that children can put their suggestions in here.


Actions Required

  • Ask Mr Williams for badges.
  • Children to check suggestion boxes and order new boxes where required.
  • Mr Smith to ask Mrs Whitehead/ Mrs Herbert to start school council board.
  • Mr Williams to show school council box in assembly.


Date of Next Meeting

  • Tuesday 8th June 1:05 PM School hall.

