Meeting 17.3.10


School Council Meeting


Wednesday 17th March 2010


  • Apologies for absence - N/A


  • No matters arising from previous meeting.


  • Purchase of film tent


Mr Smith informed the school council that the film tent would be ordered as soon as the school budget allowed us to do so.


Matthew and James discussed the possibility of storing the tent behind the screen in the hall or in the outdoor container.  The council decided they would discuss this again once the tent had arrived in school.


Nathan and Chloe suggested that we should develop a timetable for all the classes to use the tent in a fair way.


  • Look after the school campaign


William informed the council that children in the demountables were having trouble getting rid of lunch time waste and the council discussed getting a separate bin for the demountables for lunch time.


Mr Smith enquired about waste at lunch time with some of the other teachers and the teachers would be happier for all waste to go home in lunch boxes.  (To be discussed at next meeting.)


All school councillors then had some time to start developing a poster to front the campaign and a date will be set for the councillors to launch the campaign in an assembly.


  • AOB


Chloe was concerned that the year 5 boys were playing and pushing in the outdoor classroom and people were getting hurt.  She was also concerned that all year 5 boys were being punished and suggested that the council discuss this at the next meeting to see if the situation had improved.  William explained that when the year 5 boys in question were sent to another yard the same situation of pushing etc was occurring there.


Matthew suggested that when accidents happen on the yards at lunch time children should be encouraged to check the other person is ok and apologise.


Sam was concerned about a year 5 and 6 game of hugging and bottle spinning and Mr Smith explained that he would pass the concerns on to Mr Rothwell.
