Meeting 14.05.10


School Council Meeting Minutes



  • No apologise for absence.


  • No matters arising.


  • Film tent not available

Mr S - Suggested council look at new item to purchase for school, he suggested the possibility of some new filming equipment.

Chloe - How about camera to look at wildlife around school grounds?

VOTE - Council agreed.

James - Will it be used for whole school?

Matthew - Everyone should have a turn.

James - We could develop a timetable.

Mr S - Suggested school council be in charge of booking out Camera to classes, person to be elected in subsequent meeting.



  • Suggestion boxes

Mr S - Suggested that children check school council boxes and bring suggestions to next meeting.  Some classes need new box.

  • Year 3,4 football/rugby team

Sam - Could the year 3 and 4 children have a rugby or football team for September

Mr S - Explained that Mr Williams would like to increase sports in the school and will be looking at this issue.

  • Longer playtime suggested 1C and 5/6 E

Joe - My class suggested we should have a longer morning play.

Matthew - Someone in my class asked me if we could have a longer play time as well.

  • Football at Lunch time on designated yard.

Chloe - Suggested that organised ball games could take place during lunch times on a set yard.

  • 3D projector for school.

Sam - It would be really good to have a 3D projector in school.

Mr S - Explained there may be cost implications and there may need to be fundraising for this.

  • School council badge

Robbie - Suggested school councillors should wear badges so they are easily identifiable, this may increase the amount of children asking questions/ making comments,

  • More games at Lunch time

James - Could the dinner ladies play games with the children at lunch time, like stuck in the mud to make it more interesting?


Actions Required

  • Ask Mrs Grant to purchase the digital recording Camera.


Date of Next Meeting


Tuesday 18th 1:00 PM School Hall.
