Communication Between Home and School


Policy Documents

Policy documents on a wide range of subjects such as Attendance, Homework, Discipline, Complaints and Concerns, etc. are available on the school website. Up-dated versions are uploaded as they become available.

Weekly Newsletter

A Weekly Newsletter is available on the school website.  The newsletter contains items of interest, news, school development and matters of concern.


Sometimes your child will come home with a letter. These can take the form of requests or information on educational visits. Please check your child's bag nightly.

Information Booklets

At the start of the academic year children will bring home a booklet containing information specific to their class including curriculum areas being taught, homework and other useful information.

Parent/Teacher Consultation Group

This group was set up to reflect the views of the parent body. Issues recently discussed have been the ‘Home/School Policy' and ‘Complaints and Concerns'. The group meet termly during PTA meetings.

Parent Helpers

If you feel that you can offer your services on a regular basis to help in your child's classroom or any other, we would appreciate you filling in the form which is circulated at the start of the school year.

A number of ‘Parent Helpers Coffee Mornings' are held early on in the Autumn Term, to go through the Parent Helper's Handbook and to discuss any training implications.

Parent/Teacher Consultations

Parents have the opportunity to meet staff privately twice a year. These consultations take place in the Autumn and Summer Terms. Each appointment is of 10 minutes duration.

Parent and Friend's Association

The PTA of Mount Pleasant Primary School is a supportive organisation which is affiliated to the ‘National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations' (NCPTA). Activities are co-ordinated by a dedicated group of people who form the committee.

We are extremely grateful for the funds the PTA provide and would urge all parents to actively support the Association's work.


